The Department of ENT is dedicated to offering a broad spectrum of medical services to overcome diseases related to Ear, Nose and Throat. Some of the common problems include chronic ear infections, sore throat, infections of the head or neck, nasally obstructed breathing and many more. Although these medical conditions are treatable, if left untreated may lead to serious health complications in the future. Therefore undergoing a proper evaluation from the expert ENT specialists is advisable for better health. Although the majority of these medical issues can be treated with medications some of them need to undergo surgical procedures.

At Charak Nursing Home we are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and advanced medical tools that allow offering treatments of the highest order. Our team comprised of experienced ENT surgeons is dedicated towards offering exceptional healthcare services. They use a combination of medication and surgical procedures that allow diagnosing and treating conditions affecting your head and neck.

Conditions Treated:

  • Chronic Ear Infections
  • Hearing Loss
  • Sinusitis
  • Postnasal Drip
  • Smell Disorders
  • Sore Throat
  • Swallowing Disorders
  • Infections of Head or Neck
  • Thyroid Conditions

ENT Doctors

Dr. Sachin Prasad

Dr. Sachin Prasad

M.B.B.S., M.S (E.N.T) (Gold Medalist), Head & Neck Surgeon, Asst. Professor MGM Medical College

Frequently Asked Questions on ENT

What are the signs that I need to consult with an ENT specialist?

You should see an ENT specialist if you experience any persistent or concerning symptoms in your ears, nose, throat, head, or neck. These may include Earaches, hearing loss, Sinus infections, difficulty breathing through your nose, Sore throat and many others.

On the first visit, your ENT specialist will likely ask about your medical history and current symptoms followed by a physical examination of your ears, nose, throat, head, and neck. Depending on your condition, they may prescribe additional tests and diagnosis.

Ear infections are most commonly caused by the external impact of bacteria or viruses. They are more frequent in young children due to the structure of their ears.

Nose bleedings can be caused due to changes in air quality, allergies, injuries in your nose, or medication side effects.  Most nosebleeds are not serious but still need to consult with an ENT specialist.

Yes, ENT specialists are trained surgeons who can perform a variety of procedures on the ears, nose, throat, head, and neck.  This may include surgeries for sinus problems, sleep apnea, tonsillitis, or thyroid nodules.

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